FSRQ B2 1156+29: NIR follow up observations from MIRO
ATel #7494; Sameer, S. Ganesh, Navpreet Kaur, V. Kumar, K S Baliyan
on 12 May 2015; 11:31 UT
Credential Certification: Kiran S Baliyan (baliyan@prl.res.in)
Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, AGN, Blazar, Quasar
Larionov et al (Atel # 7474) reported violent optical activity in the source FSRQ B2 1156+29(= 4C +29.45 = Ton 599) during April 11 to May 2, 2015, with source brightening from R=16.7 to R=15.1 levels. The total flux brightening was accompanied with very high degree of linear polarization, DP~ 40% (quiescent value being 2-10%). We, therefore, followed it up in near infrared to infer the status of the source.
Near infrared observations were carried out using 1.2m telescope mounted with Near Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (NICS) on May 6, 2015 (JD2457149.3125). B2 1156+29 showed following values in the near IR bands: J=18.04+/-0.04, H=17.38+/- 0.09, Ks=15.60+/- 0.19 (lot of scatter in Ks band). It indicated the flaring activity in the decay phase. Flare could have been the result of the shock (blob) compressing the plasma resulting in alignment of the magnetic field, hence increase in degree of polarization.
Follow up with the multi-wavelength observations are requested.