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Spectroscopic Classification of ASASSN-15gw and ASASSN-15hc

ATel #7405; E. Falco, M. Calkins, P. Challis, R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), A. Vaz (Steward Observatory), J. L. Prieto (UDP; MAS), K. Z. Stanek (OSU)
on 16 Apr 2015; 23:49 UT
Credential Certification: Jose L. Prieto (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 7411

We obtained a optical spectra (range 350-760 nm) of ASASSN-15gw (ATel #7370) and ASASSN-15hs (ATel #7398) on UT April 14-16 with the F. L. Whipple Observatory 1.5-m telescope (+ FAST). Cross-correlation with a library of SN spectra using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows that ASASSN-15gw and ASASSN-15hs are Type Ia SNe. ASASSN-15gw might be 91bg-like, but the spectrum has strong galaxy contamination and the sub-class is uncertain. ASASSN-15hs is a normal Type Ia at +5 days. After correcting for the redshift of its host galaxy we measure a Si II 635.5nm expansion velocity of -10000 km/s.