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MDM Spectroscopy of PS1 Transients

ATel #7411; Ryan Chornock (Ohio University)
on 17 Apr 2015; 21:27 UT
Credential Certification: Ryan Chornock (

Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Supernovae, Transient

I report spectroscopic observations of several recent transients from the Pan-STARRS Survey for Transients (see Huber et al., ATel #7153; ). All spectra were obtained using the MarkIII spectrograph on the 2.4 m Hiltner telescope at MDM Observatory, with a spectral range of approximately 3950--8500 Angs. Classifications were assisted by the SuperNova IDentification code of Blondin & Tonry (SNID; 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). Redshifts are from narrow galactic emission lines.

Name    | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000) | Spec. Date (UT)  |  Redshift |  Type  |  Phase      | Notes 
PS15zh  | 17:48:47.72 | +24:11:18.5 |  20150416        |  0.0208   |  IIP   |  several weeks after max  |  (1) 
PS15zq  | 11:35:18.43 | +19:03:00.2 |  20150416        |  0.0210   |  IIb   |  before max |  (2) 
PS15aaf | 06:14:43.29 | +57:16:42.8 |  20150417        |  0        |  CV    |  --         |  (3) 
PS15adf | 10:24:38.80 | -02:59:07.7 |  20150417        |  0.031    |  Ia    |  near max   |  (4) 
(1) Best SNID match with SN 2004dj at +20 days 
(2) Best SNID match with SN 2008ax before maximum light 
(3) Blue continuum with H-alpha and H-beta emission near zero redshift 
(4) Also named ASASSN-15hc (Kiyota et al., ATel #7398; classified by Falco et al., ATel #7405); Best SNID match with SN 1995D at t=+4 days.