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Gaia15ado, Gaia15aef and Gaia15aej transients confirmed by Mercator imaging

ATel #7396; S. Blanco-Cuaresma, N. Mowlavi, L. Palaversa, L. Eyer (Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
on 14 Apr 2015; 23:47 UT
Credential Certification: Lovro Palaversa (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

We report confirmation of Gaia Science Alerts transients Gaia15ado, Gaia15aef and Gaia15aej. Images were obtained through modified Gunn R band filter of the ECAM instrument installed on the Swiss 1.2m Euler telescope at La Silla, on 2015 April 10-14 UT. New sources are not visible in archival 2MASS and DSS images.

Gaia15ado is located on top of very faint DSS/GALEX source.

Gaia15aef is located approximately 17" N of bright 2MASS/DSS galaxy.

Gaia15aej is located 10" N of 2MASS/DSS galaxy, making it a likely SN candidate.

ECAM 400x400 pixel cut out images (modified Gunn R band) are provided at the links above (N is up and the scale is 0.215"/pix).

MJD Gaia15ado Gaia15aef Gaia15aej
57,122.4 ~18.9
57,125.4 ~16.4 ~19.2 ~18.2
57,126.4 ~16.4 ~19.2