A possible radio identification of Gamma-ray source AGLJ2251+6454
ATel #7232; S. A.Trushkin (Special astrophysical observatory RAS, Russia)
on 16 Mar 2015; 13:57 UT
Credential Certification: Sergei Trushkin (satr@sao.ru)
Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Infra-Red, Gamma Ray, AGN
After AGILE detection of an intense Gamma-ray source AGLJ2251+6454 (Atel #7227), we tried to search for its radio counterpart. For such a cross-identification we have used our radio astronomical
CATS data base. We have found the relatively close bright source 4C+64.24 (Gover+ 1967) (separation 15 arcmin, i.e. within the box errors (24') of the AGILE source. The NVSS image (Condon+, 1996) of the
1 x 1 degree area contains a few other sources, but J2252+6440 (4C+64.24) is the brightest one. This source is identified with the sources from 8C (38 MHz), VLSS (74 MHz), WENSS (325 MHz), TEXAS (365 MHz), NRAO (750, 1400 MHz), NVSS (1400 MHz), Effelsberg (1420, 2695 MHz), GB6 (4850 MHz), and AMI (15.7 GHz) catalogs. The mean spectral index is equal -0.78 (see total spectrum below). Probably the source is slightly resolved with the 45 arc sec VLA-beam of NVSS . The deconvolved maximal angular size is equal 15.7 arc sec at 1.4 GHz. Probably this source is a typical extragalactic source (AGN or quasar), while it has not optical identification, it was detected in the infrared WISE survey as J225205.51+644012 (Wight+, 2010). For complete picture, the much more weaker source GB6J2250+6457 locates within 320 arc sec from AGLJ2251+6454.
Radio spectrum of the possible counterpart of AGL2251+6454.