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AGLJ2251+6454: Swift non-detection of any X-ray counterpart

ATel #7231; A. Sanna (UNICA), F. Pintore (UNICA), A. D'Ai (UNICA), A. Riggio (UNICA), L. Burderi (UNICA), T. Di Salvo (UNIPA), R. Iaria (UNIPA), F. Scarano (UNICA)
on 16 Mar 2015; 11:08 UT
Credential Certification: Antonino D'Ai (

Subjects: X-ray, Transient

Between March, 12th and 15th, AGILE detected a new gamma-ray source AGLJ2251+6454 (Bulgarelli et al, ATEL #7227). On March, 15th, Swift carried out a ToO observation at the coordinates reported by AGILE (R.A., Dec.= 342.86, 64.87 deg, J2000), looking for a possible X-ray counterpart. Swift/XRT performed a 7-point tiling observation (of approximately 0.4ks per tile) covering ~70% of error region of AGLJ2251+6454 quoted by AGILE (~0.6 deg stat. + 0.1 deg syst.). From a preliminary analysis of the XRT data carried out with the on-line tool (; see Evans et al. 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177), we do not detect any significant X-ray source above background in the observed region. Multi-frequency observations within the AGILE error circle of AGLJ2251+6454 are strongly encouraged.