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A High X-ray Brightness State of HBL Source 1ES 1959+650

ATel #7211; Bidzina Kapanadze (Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory at Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia); INAF/IASF-Palermo, Italy)
on 12 Mar 2015; 05:41 UT
Credential Certification: Bidzina Kapanadze (

Subjects: X-ray, Blazar

Referred to by ATel #: 8193

The TeV-detected HBL object 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) has been observed eight times by the Swift satellite between 2015 January 23 and March 10 on the basis of our ToO requests of low and medium urgencies. The 0.3-10 keV count rate initially rose by 54% to 6.29+/-0.10 cts/ in 7 d, then decreased gradually to 4.67+/-0.06 cts/s in 3 weeks and, finally, it increased by a factor of about 2.5 to 11.54+/-0.15 cts/s during the last three observations performed within the 10 days. Note that the latter flux level is one of the highest ones recorded since the start of the Swift monitoring of this source (2005 April 19). The flux increase was accompanied by a spectral hardening by \Delta a = 0.20 and \Delta Ep = 0.40 keV. In the framework of one-zone SSC models, an increased activity is also expected in the UV-radio and gamma-ray parts of the spectrum and intensive multiwavelength observations of 1ES 1959+650 are strongly encouraged to study instable processes and emission mechanisms in this source.