HiTS real-time supernova detections
ATel #7108; Forster, F. (CMM, MAS); Maureira, J. C. (CMM); Galbany, L. (MAS, DAS); de Jaeger, Th. (MAS, DAS); Gonzalez-Gaitan, S. (MAS, DAS); Martinez, J. (DAS); Cabrera, G. (CMM, AURA); San Martin, J. (CMM); Hamuy, M. (MAS, DAS); Estevez, P. (MAS, DIE); Smith, R. C. (CTIO); Vivas, K. (CTIO); Flores, S. (CMM); Huijse, P. (MAS, DIE); Anderson, J. (ESO); F. Bufano (MAS); Pignata, G. (MAS, UNAB); Medina, G. (DAS); Munoz, R. (DAS); Vera, E. (CMM);
on 19 Feb 2015; 10:21 UT
Credential Certification: Francisco Förster (francisco.forster@gmail.com)
HiTS: The High Cadence Transient Survey (ATELs #5949, #5956, #7099) reports the discovery of 4 additional supernova candidates detected using a novel real-time high-cadence image subtraction / classification pipeline developed at the Center for Mathematical Modelling (CMM) in collaboration with the Millennium Institute for Astrophysics (MAS). Observations were performed on the 4m Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo (CTIO) from 2015-02-16 to 2015-02-19 with a cadence of 1.6 hours using the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). The data analysis was performed in real-time using the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC).
Name | Nickname |RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc MJD | Disc Mag (g) | Age | Finding Chart | Image Sequence | Notes
SNHiTS15E | Amalia | 9:10:20.89 | -4:21:47.47 | 57072.034 | ~22.5 | young | http://bit.ly/1Bp27Cd | http://bit.ly/1Bp221C | (1)
SNHiTS15F | Mariajose | 9:15:18.15 | -0:44:39.67 | 57072.108 | ~23.0 | young | http://bit.ly/1G6FiSI | http://bit.ly/17h3O7I | (2)
SNHiTS15G | Constanza | 10:44:50.63 | -0:1:37.52 | 57072.163 | ~22.2 | young | http://bit.ly/1Duh5Ym | http://bit.ly/1Fx1Rm7 | (3)
SNHiTS15H | Francisca | 9:16:10.52 | -0:23:34.26 | 57072.108 | ~22.5 | young | http://bit.ly/1EVkuMR | http://bit.ly/17h4dXT | (4)
(1) Not in SDSS footprint
(2) Near galaxy SDSS J091518.14-004441.8 with photo-z~0.264-0.409
(3) Near galaxy SDSS J104450.60-000137.6 with photo-z~0.135-0.239
(4) Near galaxy SDSS J091610.50-002335.2 with photo-z~0.154-0.218