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Photometric classification of SN 2014cx as a Type II-P

ATel #7084; Jennifer Andrews, Nathan Smith, Wen-fai Fong, Peter Milne (University of Arizona)
on 16 Feb 2015; 21:21 UT
Credential Certification: Jennifer Andrews (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

The AzTEC (Arizona Transient Exploration and Characterization) collaboration reports the classification of SN 2014cx (ATel #6440, #6438, #6442) as a Type II-P. R-band imaging was obtained with the Mont4K imager on the Kuiper 61'' on Mt. Bigelow and the 0.6m Super-LOTIS telescope on Kitt Peak on a daily basis as weather permitted from 14 September 2014 to 29 December 2014. The R-band light curve indicates that the plateau duration of SN 2014cx lasted roughly 86 days, from our first observation on 14 September 2014 until 9 December 2014 UT. The light curve during this time exhibited a very flat evolution, with a decline of only .003 mag/day in the R-band. V- and I- band imaging from Mont4K exhibit a similar trend, although not as frequently sampled. The post-plateau drop occurred between 9 December and 29 December 2014, and the R magnitude dropped from R=14.88 mag to R=16.36 mag, corresponding to a decline of .074 mag/day. V- and I-band imaging taken with 90Prime on the Bok 2.3m telescope on 1 February 2015 indicate that the SN is now declining at a normal 56Co decay rate.