WHT classification of transient candidates
ATel #6952; S. T. Hodgkin, H. Campbell, M. Fraser (IoA Cambridge), P. Jonker, M. A.P. Torres (RU Nijmegen, SRON), T. Wevers (RU Nijmegen), S. van Velzen (John Hopkins University), G. Rixon, S. Koposov, N. Walton (IoA Cambridge), L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska (Warsaw Observatory), C. Baltay, N. Ellman, D. Rabinowitz, S. Rostami (Yale University), U. Feindt, M. Kowalski (Universitat Bonn), P. Nugent (LBL Berkeley)
on 19 Jan 2015; 16:42 UT
Credential Certification: Simon Hodgkin (sth@ast.cam.ac.uk)
Subjects: Optical, Star, Supernovae, Transient
We report the spectroscopic classifications of a number of transients, using low to intermediate resolution optical spectra taken with the William Herschel Telescope. Spectra were measured with ISIS (R300B/R158R gratings) and ACAM (V400 grating) on the nights of 2015 January 11, 12 and 13. Candidates were obtained as part of the Gaia Photometric Science Alerts project (http://gaia.ac.uk/selected-gaia-science-alerts), along with additional targets from the La Silla Quest survey (Baltay et al. 2013, PASP, 125, 683), MASTER (Lipunov et al., 2010 Advances in Astronomy, 2010, 349171) and ASAS-SN (Shappee et al. 2014).
Name RA Dec Date Comment
GAIA15aah 04:57:49.63 -21:35:34.2 2015-01-11 SN Ia, +3 days, z=0.03
GAIA14aeb 10:54:51.61 -18:08:54.0 2015-01-12 Stellar - weak Ca H&K, NaD at z=0
GAIA14aba 14:53:56.48 +50:27:32.3 2015-01-12 Unknown, single broad (~110 Ang FWHM) emission feature at ~4175 Ang
GAIA15aag 14:36:34.40 +44:39:09.4 2015-01-12 Stellar, strong NaD absorption, weak Halpha
LSQ15BF 09:02:06.97 +20:30:44.5 2015-01-12 SN Ia, ~max, z=0.07
LSQ15BD 08:36:22.72 +23:02:06.0 2015-01-12 Type II SN, z=0.14. Narrow Halpha emission with a broad (~2000 km/s) base
LSQ15BV 10:59:47.29 -16:49:10.6 2015-01-12 SN Ia, -1 week, z=0.06 absorption at z=0
MASTER OT J004207.99+405501.1 00:42:07.99 +40:55:01.1 2015-01-13 narrow (unresolved) Halpha emission seen on a featureless continuum at z~0 (classified already ATel #6911, #6924, #6941, #6951)
MASTER OT J020844.29+481923.0 02:08:44.29 +48:19:23.0 2015-01-13 SN Ia, z=0.04, +1 week (classified already in ATel #6926)
ASASSN-14ap 06:37:47.52 -25:41:20.1 2015-01-13 Stellar, Hbeta and higher absorption at z=0 on a blue continuum.
We acknowledge ESA Gaia (http://cosmos.esa.int/gaia), and the DPAC Photometric Science Alerts Team (http://gaia.ac.uk/selected-gaia-science-alerts).