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The light curve of the FU Ori type object 2MASS J06593158-0405277

ATel #6838; Moritz Hackstein, Rolf Chini, Martin Haas (Bochum University, Germany), Peter Abraham (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary), Agnes Kospal (Konkoly Observatory and MTA CSFK Lenduelet Disk Research Group, Hungary)
on 19 Dec 2014; 13:47 UT
Credential Certification: Martin Haas (

Subjects: Optical, Variables, Young Stellar Object

Referred to by ATel #: 6862, 7025, 7578, 8019, 8168

2MASS J06593158-0405277 was monitored in the Sloan r and i filters, between November 2009 and December 2014. The data were obtained using the robotic twin 15cm telescope of the Bochum University Observatory near Cerro Armazones, in the course of the variability survey of the southern galactic disk (Haas et al. 2012, AN 333, 706).

Between 2009-11-11 and 2012-04-17, the sparse light curves (6 and 10 data points in r and i, respectively) indicate, within 0.05 mag, constant brightness of i = 13.05 mag and r = 13.7 mag (AB system). Thereafter, the denser sampled light curves (median < 2 days) show a scatter of up to 0.2 mag amplitude on the time scale of days and a gradual brightness increase until 2014-01-11 to i =12.77 mag and r = 13.42 mag. When the target became visible again, on 2014-10-07 the brightness has drastically increased by about 2.6 mag to i =10.2 mag and r = 10.75 mag. The color before the outburst r-i = 0.65 +/- 0.04 mag became slightly bluer after the outburst r-i = 0.55 +/- 0.03 mag.

The observations corroborate the FU Ori type outburst of 2MASS J06593158-0405277, where a brightening of Ic = 1.5 mag was reported in the discovery telegram by Maehara, Kojima and Fujii, ATel #6770. In contrast to that relatively modest brightening, we find a much stronger brightness outburst by about 2.6 mag between 2014-01-11 and 2014-10-06, and in total about 2.9 mag between 2009-11 and 2014-10.

After the outburst the brightness gently fades in r and i by 0.15 mag between 2014-10-26 and 2014-12-17, superposed by a remarkable oscillating pattern of about 20 days period. The fading is also evident in our additional Johnson UBV (Vega system) and Sloan z (AB system) monitoring at several dates.

Light curves of 2MASS_J06593158-0405277