Be Star Counterpart of X-ray Transient IGR J06074+2205
ATel #682; J. P. Halpern, S. Tyagi (Columbia U.)
on 27 Dec 2005; 11:45 UT
Credential Certification: Jules Halpern (
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Transient
We report a probable optical counterpart of the transient X-ray source
IGR J06074+2205 (Chenevez et al., ATel #223) discovered by the JEM-X
telescopes on INTEGRAL. On 2005 Dec. 27, using the MDM 2.4m telescope
to obtain low-resolution spectra of bright stars in the 2' radius
X-ray error circle, we find a Be star at
R.A. = 06h 07m 26.6s, Decl. = +22d 05' 48". Its magnitudes in the
USNO A2.0 and 2MASS catalogs are B=13.3, R=12.1,
J=10.49, H=10.19, K=9.96.
It has an H-alpha emission line of E.W.=0.66 nm and diffuse interstellar
absorption bands. These typical spectral features of a Be/X-ray binary, and
its location within 1' of the INTEGRAL position, make the identification
compelling. In this case, the radio source discussed by Pooley (ATel #226)
is an unrelated object.