Spectroscopic classification of PSN J17143828+4340517 and MASTER OT J011330.63+493634.9
ATel #6673; D. K. Sahu, S. Srivastav and G. C. Anupama (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India)
on 7 Nov 2014; 09:43 UT
Credential Certification: G.C. Anupama (gca@iiap.res.in)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report the classification of two supernovae - PSN J17143828+4340517 in an anonymous galaxy (CBAT TOCP) and MASTER OT J011330.63+493634.9 in UGC 766 (ATel 6670). Low resolution spectra (range 350 - 920 nm) of PSN J17143828+4340517 and MASTER OT J011330.63+493634.9, were obtained on November 05.55UT
and November 06.77UT, respectively, using the 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (+HFOSC) at the Indian Astronomical Observatory.
The spectra of both the objects show prominent SiII (635.5 nm) line. For PSN J17143828+4340517, the SuperNova IDentification code SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) provides a best match with
normal type-Ia supernova SN 2004eo, a few days before maximum light, at a redshift of 0.031. Correcting for the redshift of the host the expansion velocity measured with respect to the minimum of the SiII (635.5 nm) line is ~10,500 km/sec.
Spectrum of MASTER OT J011330.63+493634.9 is best matched with several normal type Ia supernovae around few days after maximum light. The expansion velocity estimated using the SiII (635.5 nm) line is ~10,000 km/sec.