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Spectral classification of 1RXS J043657.1-161258

ATel #6671; M. D. Caballero-Garcia (CTU-FEL, Prague, CZ), A. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC, Spain), M. Jelinek (IAA-CSIC, Spain), J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC/UPV-EHU), on behalf of a larger collaboration.
on 6 Nov 2014; 10:33 UT
Credential Certification: Maria D. Caballero-Garcia (

Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Gamma Ray, Star, Transient, Variables, Young Stellar Object, Pre-Main-Sequence Star

Following the detection and subsequent monitoring by SWIFT and MAXI of 1RXS J043657.1-161258 (GCN#16981, ATEL#6654, GCN#17016) we took spectroscopic data of its likely optical counterpart. The observations were conducted with the 0.6m TELMA robotic telescope at the BOOTES-2 (+COLORES) astronomical station in Malaga (Spain). The optical 4000-9000A spectra were acquired at Oct 4.95686 -- 5.07087 UT. The spectra contain broad molecular TiO, CaI, MgI, NaI lines plus a red continuum. We also detect Halpha and Hbeta in emission. These spectral features are indicative of a still active red-dwarf flaring star. Further optical observations are on-going.