Spectroscopic Reclassification of CSS141005:022316-070520 (DES14X2fna) as a Type II Supernova
ATel #6591; M. L. Graham, K. I. Clubb, J. Mauerhan, A. V. Filippenko, F. J. D. Serduke (University of California, Berkeley), and P. E. Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley)
on 18 Oct 2014; 03:45 UT
Credential Certification: Melissa Lynn Graham (melissalynngraham@gmail.com)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
Referred to by ATel #: 6789
We report additional optical (370-1000 nm) spectroscopy of DES14X2fna (CSS141005:022316-070520) obtained on 2014 Oct 17 UT with the Kast spectrograph on the 3-m Shane telescope at Lick Observatory. This object was discovered by the Dark Energy Survey and also by the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, and previously classified as a SN Ic (ATel #6582). However, we see a broad hydrogen component in our spectrum. Using the object classification code Superfit (Howell et al. 2005, ApJ, 634, 1190) and constraining the redshift to z = 0.045 based on narrow H-alpha emission from the host galaxy, we find the most appropriate agreement with the Type II SN 1979C about 10 days past maximum light.