Optical spectra of UX Ari with BOOTES-2
ATel #6337; M. D. Caballero-Garcia (CTU-FEL, Prague), A. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC, Spain), M. Jelinek (IAA-CSIC, Spain), on behalf of a larger collaboration.
on 23 Jul 2014; 09:22 UT
Credential Certification: Maria D. Caballero-Garcia (mcaballe@brera.inaf.it)
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Star, Transient, Variables, Pre-Main-Sequence Star
Following the detection and subsequent monitoring of the new outburst from the RS CVn UX Ari
by SWIFT and MAXI (ATEL#5907, #6315 , #6319 ), the 0.6m TELMA robotic telescope at the BOOTES-2 astronomical
station Malaga (Spain), obtained optical 4000-9000 A spectra starting at 2014-07-19, 01:32:24.382 UT
and ending at 04:25:55.652 UT. The optical spectra contain broad molecular TiO,
CaI, MgI, NaI lines and telluric absorption bands plus a red continuum. The continuum gets bluer
with time, as previously pointed out by Aarum-Ulvas and Henry (2005). These spectra lack of
significant Balmer lines in emission. These spectral features are indicative of a
late-type star spectrum (as previously reported). Nevertheless, there are no indications of
important chromospheric activity, that might have been disappeared by the time of our observations.