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A0535+26 in Outburst

ATel #6259; Mark H. Finger (USRA) and Peter A. Jenke (UAH)
on 23 Jun 2014; 21:39 UT
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Credential Certification: Dr. Mark H. Finger (

Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 14157

Pulsations from the Be/X-ray binary pulsar A 0535-26 are currently being detected by Fermi/GBM. The first detection was in the data of June 10.0-16.0 with a spin frequency of 9.67394(18) mHz, and a r.m.s pulsed flux in the 12-50 keV range of 0.08(2) keV /cm^2 s. For the data of June 16.0-22.0 the spin frequency increased to 9.67427(8) mHz, and the r.m.s pulsed flux increased to 0.16(1) keV /cm^2 s.

In late February a previous outburst was reported in (ATel #5931,#5942). This outburst was detected with Fermi GBM in 5 intervals of 6 days each between February 22 and March 30. Periastron passage (about March 8) occurred within this short outburst, which is typical of a normal (type 1) outbursts, which often happen in series.

GBM Pulsar Project