Spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-14cv as a cataclysmic variable in outburst
ATel #6258; Paolo Berardi, Tim Lester, Francois Teyssier (ARAS)
on 23 Jun 2014; 18:48 UT
Credential Certification: Krzysztof Stanek (stanek.32@osu.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable
We obtained two low-resolution optical spectra of ASASSN-14cv (vsnet-alert 17395, vsnet-alert 17402, vsnet-alert 17404) on June 22.9 UT using a 0.23-m Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, Lhires III spectrograph configured for low-resolution (400-730 nm, res. 1 nm)
and on June 23.1 using a 0.31-m DK telescope, slit spectroscope 600 l/mm (400-750 nm, res. 0.5 nm).
The strong blue continuum, a relatively faint emission of H-alpha, a narrow component in a broad absorption for H-beta line, CIII/NIII 4640 blend and HeII 4686 in emission confirm that the object is a dwarf nova outburst.
The spectra can be downloaded from ARAS (Astronomical Ring for Access to Spectroscopy) database
using this link.