A 0535+26 Flux Rising
ATel #597; Mark H. Finger (National Space Science and Technology Center/USRA)
on 28 Aug 2005; 23:03 UT
Credential Certification: Dr. Mark H. Finger (Mark.Finger@msfc.nasa.gov)
Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Transient, Pulsar
Observations of A 0535+26 on August 28 with the RXTE/PCA show a rapid rise in flux since the sources 20 mCrab detection on August 26 (ATEL #595). An observation with mid-time of 2:15 UT had a mean flux of 90 mCrab, while three observations between 14:20 and 18:10 UT had mean fluxes of 430, 220, and 260 mCrab. These fluxes are based on the standard 1 rates (2-60 keV).