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5 more SN candidates discovered with DECam

ATel #5956; Francisco Forster, Juan Carlos Maureira (Center for Mathematical Modelling, CMM), Santiago Gonzalez-Gaitan, Lluis Galbany (Departamento de Astronomia, DAS), Jaime San Martin, Guillermo Cabrera, Eduardo Vera, Jorge Littin, Salvador Flores (CMM), Mario Hamuy, Thomas de Jaeger (DAS), Giuliano Pignata (UNAB), Joseph Anderson (ESO), and Chris Smith (CTIO)
on 8 Mar 2014; 01:57 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Lluis Galbany (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 6014, 7099, 7108, 7115, 7122, 7131, 7132, 7146, 7148, 7149, 7162, 7164, 7221, 7246, 7664

We report the discovery of 5 more supernova explosions as detailed in ATEL #5949.

Additional list of possible SNe:
Name   | RA (J2000)   | Dec (J2000)  | Disc Mag (g) | Discovery images  
KORA   | 10:10:03.145 | -1:34:49.034 | 22.6(0.3)    | here 
MARA   | 10:17:33.681 | -2:29:10.085 | 23.2(0.3)    | here 
DANA   | 10:13:43.223 | -4:53:02.311 | 22.8(0.3)    | here 
PAMELA | 10:40:17.214 | -1:49:09.687 | 22.6(0.3)    | here 
LAURA  | 11:01:32.764 | -0:56:11.887 | 21.2(0.3)    | here 
We estimate a limiting magnitude of 24 in the g band, and an astrometric precision <0.5" in the reported coordinates.