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Supernovae from CRTS

ATel #5659; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); J. Prieto (Princeton); M. Catelan (PUC Chile); E. Christensen, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA)
on 14 Dec 2013; 00:57 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 5837

Further to ATel#5590, below we report the discovery of 35 previously unannounced supernova candidates discovered by CRTS between 2013-10-25 and 2013-12-13 UT.

   CRTS Detection ID     Disc. Date   RA (J2000)     Dec      Mag. 
CSS131213:112237+122931  2013-12-13  11:22:37.35  12:29:31.5  18.7 
MLS131213:082634+202921  2013-12-13  08:26:33.66  20:29:20.7  20.2 
MLS131213:103117+110402  2013-12-13  10:31:16.93  11:04:01.8  19.4 
CSS131212:083254+154257  2013-12-12  08:32:53.57  15:42:56.8  18.8 
CSS131211:084339+161038  2013-12-11  08:43:39.30  16:10:38.1  18.3 
CSS131211:102218+064001  2013-12-11  10:22:17.96  06:40:01.0  19.1 
MLS131211:083604+201610  2013-12-11  08:36:03.69  20:16:10.5  20.5 
MLS131211:090329+171458  2013-12-11  09:03:29.40  17:14:57.9  20.1 
MLS131211:095947+132212  2013-12-11  09:59:47.03  13:22:11.6  18.6 
CSS131208:003036+254419  2013-12-08  00:30:36.38  25:44:19.0  19.1 
MLS131129:100756+183750  2013-11-29  10:07:55.81  18:37:50.1  20.2 
MLS131129:013731+132503  2013-11-29  01:37:30.88  13:25:03.2  20.8 
MLS131128:045731+253309  2013-11-28  04:57:31.42  25:33:09.1  20.0 
MLS131128:092334+161160  2013-11-28  09:23:34.41  16:11:59.5  20.5 
CSS131126:032030+211829  2013-11-26  03:20:29.78  21:18:28.8  19.2 
CSS131126:034200-121710  2013-11-26  03:42:00.26 -12:17:10.2  18.7 
CSS131112:111805+002937  2013-11-12  11:18:05.43  00:29:36.9  18.3 
MLS131112:071917+282559  2013-11-12  07:19:16.92  28:25:58.9  20.2 
MLS131112:022714+131057  2013-11-12  02:27:13.52  13:10:57.4  19.8 
CSS131110:075414+390330  2013-11-10  07:54:13.65  39:03:29.8  18.3 
CSS131110:091331+260553  2013-11-10  09:13:30.52  26:05:53.1  19.0 
CSS131108:034021-035001  2013-11-08  03:40:21.09 -03:50:01.0  19.0 
MLS131108:083847+172727  2013-11-08  08:38:47.20  17:27:26.8  20.7 
MLS131108:005817+064157  2013-11-08  00:58:16.82  06:41:57.1  19.8 
MLS131106:081226+204949  2013-11-06  08:12:25.74  20:49:48.8  19.5 
MLS131106:094456+131913  2013-11-06  09:44:55.92  13:19:12.9  20.3 
CSS131104:224955+132821  2013-11-04  22:49:55.04  13:28:21.2  18.7 
CSS131102:100123+265952  2013-11-02  10:01:22.93  26:59:52.0  19.6 
CSS131031:084730+102511  2013-10-31  08:47:30.11  10:25:10.9  19.6 
CSS131030:013919+171418  2013-10-30  01:39:18.88  17:14:18.1  18.9 
CSS131028:010735+141009  2013-10-28  01:07:34.88  14:10:09.0  18.9 
MLS131028:231100-074732  2013-10-28  23:11:00.16 -07:47:31.7  19.3 
MLS131027:234219-040408  2013-10-27  23:42:18.92 -04:04:07.6  19.2 
CSS131026:015653+015058  2013-10-26  01:56:52.71  01:50:57.5  17.8 
MLS131025:020748+050606  2013-10-25  02:07:47.84  05:06:05.6  20.2 

All transients were discovered in real-time by the CRTS pipeline and openly published to VOEvent network subscribers (such as SkyAlert). Links to CRTS transients can be found at Finding charts are available at "". We are grateful to the all the observers involved in follow-up observations.