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A Candidate Recurrent Nova in M31 from iPTF

ATel #5607; S. Tang (Caltech/UCSB), Y. Cao (Caltech), and M. M. Kasliwal (Carnegie/Princeton) on behalf of the iPTF collaboration
on 28 Nov 2013; 07:23 UT
Credential Certification: Sumin Tang (

Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 5611, 5627, 5633, 6527, 6558, 9848, 11116, 11130, 12177, 12179, 12207, 13269, 13273, 13279, 13290, 14130, 15034

The intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (ATel #4807) report the discovery of a recurrent transient in M31, PTF09hsd, at RA = 00:45:28.89, Dec = +41:54:10.2. The re-brightening was firstly detected on UT Nov 27.1, 2013 at magnitude R=18.9, and brightened to R=18.3 on UT Nov 28.1. Nothing was there at this location on UT Nov 26, and previous iPTF images since June 2013 (typically nightly observations), with typical limiting magnitudes R~21 mag. The transient is coincident within measurement uncertainties with the reported positions of three recent M31 novae or nova candidates, M31N 2008-12a, 2011-10e and 2012-10a (ATel #3725, #3727, #3728, #4503). It was classified as a He/N nova in M31N 2012-10a (ATel #4503). It could be a recurrent nova with extremely short recurrence time. Further observations are encouraged.