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Radio non-detection of MAXI J1828-249

ATel #5484; James C. A. Miller-Jones (ICRAR - Curtin), Thomas D. Russell (ICRAR - Curtin), Gregory R. Sivakoff (Alberta), and Peter A. Curran (ICRAR - Curtin) on behalf of the JACPOT XRB Collaboration
on 18 Oct 2013; 17:18 UT
Credential Certification: James Miller-Jones (

Subjects: Radio, Binary, Black Hole, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 5911

Following indications of a possible hard-to-soft state transition in the newly-discovered X-ray binary MAXI J1828-249 (ATels #5474, #5476, #5478, #5479, #5483), we triggered NAPA observations of the source using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We observed from 0530-0830 UT on 2013 October 18 (MJD 56583.30), using the 2x2 GHz of bandwidth provided by the Compact Array Broadband Backend. The array was in its compact H214 configuration, providing angular resolutions of 34×24 and 22×18 arcseconds at 5.5 and 9.0 GHz, respectively.

No source was detected at the Swift position (ATel #5479) at either 5.5 or 9.0 GHz, with 3σ upper limits of 75 and 57 microJy beam-1, respectively. The only source significantly detected within the primary beam was the unrelated background source NVSS J182835-250142, at an angular separation of 5.2 arcminutes from the X-ray binary position, and with a primary beam-corrected flux density of 2.6 mJy beam-1.

The non-detection of radio emission from MAXI J1828-249 suggests that the compact jet typically seen in the hard state has already switched off, and that there has to date been no ejection of bright, relativistically-moving jet knots.

We thank Phil Edwards and the ATNF staff for rapid scheduling of these observations.