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CRTS SN Candidates

ATel #5187; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech);J. Prieto (Princeton); M. Catelan (PUC Chile); E. Christensen, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA)
on 3 Jul 2013; 01:07 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 5437

Further to ATel#5077, here we report 52 supernova candidates discovered by CRTS between 2013-05-13 and 2012-06-27 UT.

  CRTS Detection ID     Disc. Date   RA (J2000)    Dec       Mag 
CSS130627:132038+044614   06-27    13:20:38.37  04:46:14.0   18.0 
MLS130627:120344-005318   06-27    12:03:43.86 -00:53:18.3   20.3 
CSS130621:123320+121112   06-21    12:33:19.67  12:11:12.1   18.2 
SSS130621:191833-521451   06-21    19:18:32.55 -52:14:50.8   17.9 
CSS130620:165055+512933   06-20    16:50:54.60  51:29:33.4   18.6 
MLS130619:112300+040057   06-19    11:22:59.61  04:00:56.5   18.7 
MLS130619:215604-071948   06-19    21:56:04.44 -07:19:48.1   19.8 
CSS130617:170459+600538   06-17    17:04:58.80  60:05:37.6   18.9 
MLS130617:222916-101123   06-17    22:29:16.28 -10:11:23.0   19.2 
MLS130617:223130-090443   06-17    22:31:29.82 -09:04:42.6   19.9 
CSS130616:151338+185741   06-16    15:13:37.95  18:57:40.6   20.0 
CSS130614:122046-093612   06-14    12:20:45.77 -09:36:11.7   19.2 
MLS130613:125544-052242   06-13    12:55:44.33 -05:22:42.5   19.6 
CSS130612:132952+185129   06-12    13:29:52.43  18:51:28.7   19.1 
CSS130612:132410+172251   06-12    13:24:09.90  17:22:51.5   16.6 
CSS130612:203952-102729   06-12    20:39:51.84 -10:27:28.9   19.2    
CSS130611:134802+141457   06-11    13:48:01.98  14:14:57.3   19.2 
MLS130611:213426-114148   06-11    21:34:26.12 -11:41:48.1   20.3 
CSS130610:161540+294038   06-10    16:15:39.80  29:40:37.9   19.4 
CSS130610:154627+302111   06-10    15:46:26.84  30:21:11.2   18.8 
CSS130610:100014+175160   06-10    10:00:13.56  17:51:59.8   18.2 
CSS130609:174808+625509   06-09    17:48:08.37  62:55:08.8   17.9 
CSS130609:131731+572827   06-09    13:17:30.73  57:28:27.4   17.9 
CSS130609:130230+510716   06-09    13:02:29.92  51:07:16.4   18.9 
CSS130609:112625-015221   06-09    11:26:25.10 -01:52:21.0   17.0 
CSS130608:164208+320607   06-08    16:42:08.02  32:06:07.4   17.3 
CSS130608:164206+313027   06-08    16:42:06.18  31:30:27.0   18.3 
MLS130607:152028-001620   06-07    15:20:27.84 -00:16:20.1   20.8 
MLS130607:151139-005813   06-07    15:11:38.85 -00:58:12.6   21.0 
CSS130606:153620+523634   06-06    15:36:19.91  52:36:34.1   18.4 
CSS130606:164149+473351   06-06    16:41:49.06  47:33:50.9   18.6 
CSS130606:135341+404407   06-06    13:53:41.16  40:44:07.1   19.5 
CSS130606:231746+174420   06-06    23:17:45.57  17:44:19.8   18.4* 
CSS130605:152810+441147   06-05    15:28:09.86  44:11:47.0   19.8 
CSS130605:222900+263430   06-05    22:29:00.23  26:34:30.3   18.0 
CSS130605:105723+255049   06-05    10:57:22.80  25:50:49.3   18.5 
CSS130603:160833+343030   06-03    16:08:33.15  34:30:30.2   18.2 
CSS130603:214006+104739   06-03    21:40:06.32  10:47:38.7   18.7 
CSS130603:132320+101126   06-03    13:23:19.94  10:11:26.1   19.2 
CSS130601:123228+162718   06-01    12:32:27.60  16:27:17.6   18.5 
MLS130601:101738+101257   06-01    10:17:37.61  10:12:57.3   20.3 
MLS130601:102305+091233   06-01    10:23:04.77  09:12:33.2   20.3 
CSS130531:113045+130812   05-31    11:30:44.66  13:08:12.4   19.2 
CSS130529:171236+613329   05-29    17:12:36.40  61:33:29.2   18.9 
CSS130529:233452+272128   05-29    23:34:52.33  27:21:28.4   18.4 
CSS130521:162058+472448   05-21    16:20:57.97  47:24:47.9   18.2 
SSS130520:151515-360919   05-20    15:15:15.18 -36:09:19.4   18.0 
CSS130518:131529-130802   05-18    13:15:28.96 -13:08:02.5   18.0 
CSS130516:121552+035339   05-16    12:15:52.09  03:53:38.6   18.8 
CSS130515:144134-202021   05-15    14:41:33.55 -20:20:20.8   18.0 
MLS130515:101215+090417   05-15    10:12:15.37  09:04:17.1   19.9 
CSS130513:151139+200912   05-13    15:11:38.92  20:09:11.7   19.3 
CSS130513:124544-105008   05-13    12:45:44.18 -10:50:08.3   17.1 
*Confirmed as type-Ia with Keck on Jun 13UT.  
Ten additional SNe were confirmed during this period,  
including MLS130531:100208+115705 (ATEL#5097). 
Finding charts: "".