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CRTS Supernova Candidates

ATel #5437; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); J. Prieto (Princeton); M. Catelan (PUC Chile); E. Christensen, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA)
on 2 Oct 2013; 18:39 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 5456

Further to ATel#5187, below we report the discovery of 39 supernova candidates discovered by CRTS between 2013-08-28 and 2013-10-02 UT.

  CRTS Detection ID     Disc. Date   RA (J2000)    Dec     Mag. 
CSS131002:080005+400532  2013-10-02  08:00:05.02  40:05:31.9  18.2 
MLS131002:021210+130512  2013-10-02  02:12:09.63  13:05:11.9  20.6 
MLS131002:004006+004655  2013-10-02  00:40:05.61  00:46:55.3  20.5 
CSS131001:232228+003816  2013-10-01  23:22:27.76  00:38:15.9  19.6 
CSS130930:020518+000556  2013-09-30  02:05:17.91  00:05:55.6  19.0 
CSS130930:013836-192936  2013-09-30  01:38:36.50 -19:29:35.7  18.7 
CSS130930:010157-190652  2013-09-30  01:01:57.48 -19:06:52.2  18.8 
CSS130930:014706-111135  2013-09-30  01:47:06.14 -11:11:34.9  18.9 
MLS130930:080316+213013  2013-09-30  08:03:15.85  21:30:13.1  19.6 
CSS130925:225818-090644  2013-09-25  22:58:17.85 -09:06:44.5  18.3 
CSS130925:010249-004431  2013-09-25  01:02:49.08 -00:44:30.6  18.1 
CSS130924:080531+321902  2013-09-24  08:05:31.17  32:19:02.5  18.5 
CSS130924:004234+151746  2013-09-24  00:42:33.82  15:17:45.8  19.3 
MLS130924:002105+043734  2013-09-24  00:21:04.52  04:37:34.0  19.7 
CSS130923:074557+232216  2013-09-23  07:45:57.28  23:22:16.5  18.5 
CSS130917:181255+641840  2013-09-17  18:12:55.34  64:18:40.2  17.2 
MLS130917:024628+183610  2013-09-17  02:46:28.31  18:36:10.4  20.1 
CSS130916:011806+271126  2013-09-16  01:18:05.60  27:11:25.7  17.5 
MLS130916:001339+024823  2013-09-16  00:13:39.37  02:48:23.3  20.5 
MLS130916:001615+023536  2013-09-16  00:16:14.85  02:35:36.0  20.5 
CSS130915:231108+173855  2013-09-15  23:11:08.20  17:38:55.0  17.5 
CSS130915:000549+095109  2013-09-15  00:05:49.08  09:51:08.7  19.1 
CSS130913:021432-130724  2013-09-13  02:14:32.07 -13:07:24.5  19.0 
CSS130913:013913-025241  2013-09-13  01:39:13.01 -02:52:40.6  19.0 
MLS130913:015804+122847  2013-09-13  01:58:04.42  12:28:46.8  19.6 
CSS130912:005510-101859  2013-09-12  00:55:10.03 -10:18:58.8  18.1 
CSS130912:025702-001844  2013-09-12  02:57:02.49 -00:18:44.1  19.5 
MLS130912:231711-040253  2013-09-12  23:17:11.42 -04:02:52.8  19.8 
MLS130912:232956-025900  2013-09-12  23:29:55.98 -02:59:00.3  20.8 
MLS130912:232204-002136  2013-09-12  23:22:03.54 -00:21:35.9  20.7 
CSS130906:232533+345822  2013-09-06  23:25:33.18  34:58:21.8  18.2 
MLS130906:012004+071552  2013-09-06  01:20:03.88  07:15:52.4  20.5 
CSS130905:232712-232513  2013-09-05  23:27:12.50 -23:25:13.1  18.9 
CSS130905:015812-041446  2013-09-05  01:58:12.36 -04:14:46.1  19.8 
CSS130902:160346+272742  2013-09-02  16:03:46.38  27:27:42.2  18.5 
MLS130902:222916-045043  2013-09-02  22:29:15.87 -04:50:43.2  20.3 
MLS130901:010533+065504  2013-09-01  01:05:33.38  06:55:04.5  19.6 
CSS130828:011353+290215  2013-08-28  01:13:53.27  29:02:14.8  18.7 
MLS130828:224900-034749  2013-08-28  22:48:59.76 -03:47:49.2  19.5 

All transients were discovered in real-time by the CRTS pipeline and openly published to VOEvent network subscribers (including ""). Links to CRTS transients can be found at Finding charts are available at "". We are grateful to the all the observers involved in follow-up observations.