Spectrum of Transient ASASSN-13at
ATel #5178; Peter Garnavich (Notre Dame), Shanel Deal (NCA&TSU)
on 29 Jun 2013; 02:58 UT
Credential Certification: Peter Garnavich (pgarnavi@gmail.com)
Subjects: Cataclysmic Variable, Transient
We observed the transient ASASSN-13at (ATEL 5168) on June 28.3 (UT) with the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) and VATTSPEC instrument. The resulting spectrum covers the wavelength range between 365 nm and 750 nm with a resolution of 1100. The spectrum of ASASSN-13at shows a blue continuum with strong Balmer absorption lines. Helium absorption at 447 nm and 588 nm is also seen. Blue-shifted emission lines are visible within the Halpha and Hbeta absorption features. We conclude that ASASSN-13at is a hydrogen-rich dwarf nova in outburst.