VLA observation of CSS130415:114802+543439
ATel #4997; Atish Kamble (Harvard), Alicia Soderberg (Harvard), on behalf of a larger collaboration
on 22 Apr 2013; 15:36 UT
Credential Certification: Alicia M. Soderberg (asoderberg@cfa.harvard.edu)
Subjects: Radio, Supernovae
We report radio observations with the Jansky Very Large Array of Type Ic supernova
CSS130415:114802+543439 discovered by Catalina Sky Survey on
April 15 UT (Drake et al.; ATEL #4984) and classified as a type-Ic hypernova similar to
SN1998bw by Tomasella et al (ATEL #4989).
On 2013 April 19.12 UT, we triggered VLA observations at the position
of CSS130415:114802+543439 at 4.8 & 7.1 GHz. No radio emission is detected
in either of the frequency bands at the position of the supernova down
to 3-sigma RMS level of 10 microJy. The observed radio luminosity if this
SN is therefore a factor of > 10 lower than that of SN1998bw at a comparable
epoch (Kulkarni et al. Nature 1998).
We thank the NRAO staff carrying out this ToO observation.