Discovery of Two Probable Novae in M31
ATel #4913; K. Hornoch (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech Republic), P. Hornochova (Ondrejov)
on 25 Mar 2013; 00:45 UT
Credential Certification: Allen W. Shafter (
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient
We report the discovery of two probable novae in M31 on co-added 810-s, 720-s, and 1260-s R-band CCD frames taken on Mar. 24.772, 24.781, and 24.793 UT, respectively, with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov.
The new object designated PNV J00425509+4115560 is easily visible on the co-added frames as well as on individual images, while the object designated PNV J00425469+4110257 is easily visible only on the co-added frames due to poor observing conditions. Neither of the objects are present on several archival images taken at Ondrejov.
Designations, positions, offsets from the center of M31, and discovery magnitudes of the new objects are summarized in the following table:
TOCP designation CBAT designation R.A. (J2000) Dec. (J2000) Offset R.A. Offset Dec. R-band mag
PNV J00425509+4115560 M31N 2013-03b? 00 42 55.09 +41 15 56.0 121.4" E 12.5" S 16.7 +/- 0.1
PNV J00425469+4110257 M31N 2013-03c? 00 42 54.69 +41 10 25.7 117.0" E 342.8" S 17.9 +/- 0.2
A discovery image is available through the link below.
Discovery image