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Confirmation of PNV J01325510+3047283 as an LPV

ATel #4315; A. J. Drake (Caltech)
on 19 Aug 2012; 23:32 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Nova, Variables

Referred to by ATel #: 4341, 6388, 6697, 6716, 15711

Recently, Hornoch and Vrastil (2012, ATel#4314) suggested that M33 nova candidate PNV J01325510+3047283, discovered by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS), was a likely a LPV in M33. We searched the public data release of the Catalina Surveys (CSDR1) and discovered the source to be a good match to source CSS J013255.0+304730 (RA=01:32:55.0, Dec=+30:47:30.5). The object's lightcurve exhibits significant variations (> 2 mags) reaching V~18.1. Extraction of additional archival CSS photometry and images dating back to Jan 13th 2004 show the source to be a long period variable with a period of around 900 days.