PNV J01330147+3033361 is another red LPV in M33
ATel #4341; K. Hornoch (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech Republic)
on 28 Aug 2012; 16:35 UT
Credential Certification: Allen W. Shafter (
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient, Variables
Information about the discovery of another possible nova in M33 by Lick Observatory
Supernova Search (LOSS) was posted
I observed the object between Aug. 27.887 and 27.916 UT using the 0.65-m telescope
at Ondrejov. The following magnitudes were obtained:
2012 Aug. 27.894 UT, I = 17.7 +/- 0.1; 27.909, R = 19.8 +/- 0.3.
The significantly red color of the object is not typical for a classical nova unless
it is highly reddened, which is not expected in the line of sight to the object.
A more likely classification of the object is that it is a red LPV.
Comparison of recent images taken with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov and archival
Massey images (Massey et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 2478) clearly show coincidence of the object
on both series of images, and is available through the link below. Taken together, available data
suggest that PNV J01330147+3033361 is another red LPV in M33 like in the case of PNV J01325510+3047283
(see ATEL #4314, #4315).
Comparison image