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Spectroscopic identification of two M31 novae

ATel #4216; Y. Cao (Caltech) and M. M. Kasliwal (Carnegie Institute for Science & Princeton University)
on 26 Jun 2012; 22:36 UT
Credential Certification: Yi Cao (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 6564, 8228

We obtained spectra of two recent M31 nova candidates with the Dual Imaging Spectrograph mounted on the ARC-3.5m telescope at Apache Point Observatory on 2012 June 26 UT. PNV J00432192+4120244 (ATel #4186), also designated internally as PTF12fsf, shows a nebular spectrum with strong Balmer series, O I 7773, O I 8227 and O I 8446, N I 8212 and N I 8692, Fe II (37, 38, 42) emission lines. The Halpha has a FWHM of about 1,800 km/s. This spectrum confirms that PTF12fsf is a M31 nova of Fe II type. PNV J00423707+4122160 (ATel #4205), which is designated internally as PTF12fyz, consists of a very weak continuum spectrum superposed by strong Halpha and weak Hbeta emission as well as O I 7773, O I 8227 and O I 8446 and Fe II (73) emission lines. The Halpha has a FWHM of about 1,500 km/s. The O I lines show P-Cygni profiles. Therefore, we tentatively classify PTF12fyz as a Fe II type nova in M31.