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Near-IR observations of Nova Scorpii 2012 and Nova Ophiuchi 2012 No. 2

ATel #4211; Ashish Raj, N. M. Ashok and D. P. K. Banerjee, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 380009, India
on 25 Jun 2012; 16:55 UT
Credential Certification: N.M. Ashok (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova

We report near-infrared J and H band spectroscopy and JHK photometry of the Nova Scorpii 2012 (Wagner R.M. et al., ATEL # 4157, Wagner R.M. et al., CBET # 3136) obtained with the Mt. Abu 1.2-m telescope (+PRL Near-Infrared NICMOS3 Imager/Spectrometer). The spectra taken on 2012 June 17.879 UT show strong lines of H I, C I, O I and lines of low ionization species like Mg I. The FWHM for the Paschen beta 1.2818 micron line, as well as other HI lines, are typically in the range of 2200 +/- 200 km/s which shows considerable increase in the ejecta velocity as compared to the H-beta and H-alpha FWHM values of 800 km/s reported on 2012 June 4.08 UT Wagner et al.(ATEL # 4157). The near-IR spectra resemble a typical of Fe II-type classical nova. JHK photometric magnitudes measured for June 17.915 UT are 7.15 +/- 0.05, 6.11 +/- 0.06 and 4.86 +/- 0.03 respectively. Near-infrared spectroscopy and photometry was also done of Nova Ophiuchi 2012 No. 2 (PNV J17395600-2447420, CBET # 3124, Raj et al., ATEL # 4169) with the Mt. Abu 1.2-m telescope (+PRL Near-Infrared NICMOS3 Imager/Spectrometer). The spectra taken on 2012 May 27.806 UT are typical of Fe II-type nova showing lines of H I, C I and prominent emission of the O I line at 1.1287 micron. The FWHMs for the Paschen beta 1.2818 micron and Brackett gamma 2.1656 micron lines are 3000 km/s and 2950 km/s respectively, values rather similar to the H-alpha FWHM of 2900 km/s reported by Imamura for 2012 May 22.697 UT (CBET # 3124). JHK photometric magnitudes measured on 2012 June 08.847 are 9.27 +/- 0.06, 8.44 +/- 0.01 and 7.58 +/- 0.08 respectively and on 2012 June 17.840 are 9.65 +/- 0.02 9.29 +/- 0.06 and 7.78 +/- 0.06 respectively.