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Near-IR photometric observations of Nova Ophiuchi 2012 No. 2 = PNV J17395600-2447420

ATel #4169; Ashish Raj, N. M. Ashok and D. P. K. Banerjee, Physical Research Laboratory
on 13 Jun 2012; 04:31 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: N.M. Ashok (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 4211

We report near-infrared J-, H-, and K-band photometry of the Nova Oph 2012 No.2 (CBET # 3124). The epochs of our observations, filters used and the magnitudes derived are given in the table below. The preliminary reduction shows the declining trend of the nova brightness in J, H and K bands. The observed near-IR colors are consistent with the large interstellar extinction seen in the direction of the nova as reported by Walter F.M. in CBET # 3124.

    Epoch (UT) |      J     |     H      |     K 
 May 26.894    | 8.14  0.09 | 7.60  0.03 | 7.21  0.09  
     27.896    | 8.22  0.06 | 7.79  0.04 | 7.27  0.08 
     28.897    | 8.34  0.04 | 7.97  0.02 | 7.56  0.01 
     29.856    | 8.56  0.01 | 8.09  0.01 | 7.40  0.02 
     30.856    | 8.62  0.03 | 8.24  0.05 | 7.50  0.04 
     31.864    | 8.70  0.04 | 8.22  0.07 | 7.55  0.04 
June 01.849    | 8.58  0.05 | 8.13  0.06 | 7.82  0.02 
     02.814    |      -     | 8.35  0.01 | 7.61  0.06  