Bipolar jets have emerged in Hen 3-1341
ATel #3952; U. Munari, P. Valisa, S. Dallaporta, A. Siviero (INAF Padova Astronomical Observatory; ANS Collaboration; Dept. of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova)
on 3 Mar 2012; 16:09 UT
Credential Certification: U. Munari (
Subjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Variables
The bipolar jets, that we predicted in ATel #3946 to soon appear during the
current outburst of the symbiotic binary star Hen 3-1341 (=V2523 Oph), have
eventually emerged. At the same time, the first P-Cyg signatures of wind
became visible in HeI lines. We have detected the jets of a high S/N Echelle
spectrum of Hen 3-1341 obtained on March 3.194 UT with the Asiago 1.82m
telescope operated by INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padova. Simultaneous
CCD photometry gives B=12.236, V=11.619, Rc=10.909, and Ic=10.136 for Hen
3-1341. The jet were still missing a day earlier, on an Echelle spectrum
obtained on March 2.167 UT with the multi-mode spectrograph of the 0.6m
telescope of Varese Observatory. The jets appear well collimated and
symmetrically placed at -1100 and + 1100 km/sec with respect to the main
Halpha emission component. This velocity is quite larger than found for
the jets when observed at maximum brightness during previous outburst in
1999, when they were measured at -820 and +820 km/sec (Tomov, Munari,
Marrese 1999 A&A 354, L25). During the decline from 1999 maximum, the
velocity of the jets slowly increased to 1000 km/sec before
they vanished (Munari et al. 2005, MNRAS 360, 1257).