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Swift obervation of PSN J10250739+1709146 in NGC 3239

ATel #3857; D. Xu (WIS) reports on behalf of a larger collaboration
on 11 Jan 2012; 05:11 UT
Credential Certification: Dong Xu (

Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 3863

The optical transient, PSN J10250739+1709146, was discovered by Moore, Newton and Puckett at 2012/01/07.387 (ref. ), and localised in NGC 3239 (z=0.002512). Spectroscopy at 2012/01/10.275 confirms this source as a young SN II (Cao et al., ATel #3855). A Swift-ToO was executed to observe the field of this SN starting from 2012/01/10.774 (exposure time: 2390s), with the primary aim to constrain any accompanying X-ray emission. At the SN position, no credible X-ray source was found, to a 3sigma limit of ~8x10^-3 cts/s, roughly corresponding to ~4x10^-13 erg/cm^2/s. Swift/UVOT ubv observations were performed at the same time. Preliminary reduction leads to the following magnitudes (all AB system): m(v)=14.01+/-0.02, m(b)=13.94+/-0.03, and m(u)=13.81+/-0.03.