66 Supernovae from CRTS
ATel #3706; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams, C. Donalek (Caltech); J. Prieto (Carnegie Obs); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA), S. Howerton (KS).
on 25 Oct 2011; 01:20 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (ajd@cacr.caltech.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
Further to ATel#3494, we report that 66 confirmed and candidate supernovae
were discovered in Catalina data between 2011-09-18 and 2011-10-24 UT.
Among these, 15 are spectroscopically confirmed and are identified as
2011fz, ga, gb, gf, gg, gh, gi, gl, gp, gq, gr, gs, gt, gx, and CSS110930:213006+033055 = PTF11nga).
Eight candidates from SNhunt are given
while below we report the remaining 43 candidates.
CRTS ID Disc. Date RA Dec Disc. Mag
CSS111024:095848+344703 10-24 09:58:48.30 34:47:03.3 15.8
CSS111023:201210-112158 10-23 20:12:10.07 -11:21:57.7 16.5
CSS111022:100535+285908 10-22 10:05:35.11 28:59:08.4 18.8
CSS111022:205145+075305 10-22 20:51:45.46 07:53:04.9 17.4
CSS111020:223647+202131 10-20 22:36:46.72 20:21:31.2 18.1
CSS111018:160545+450130 10-18 16:05:45.39 45:01:29.9 17.8
CSS111017:221651-031555 10-17 22:16:51.14 -03:15:55.0 17.6
CSS111016:012615+174808 10-16 01:26:15.28 17:48:07.7 17.9
CSS110930:071342+402826 09-30 07:13:42.29 40:28:26.4 18.5
CSS110926:000156+065236 09-26 00:01:55.69 06:52:35.9 19.4
CSS110919:224602-160858 09-19 22:46:02.38 -16:08:58.0 19.3
CSS110918:164935+263347 09-18 16:49:35.21 26:33:46.5 18.8
MLS111024:081839+174654 10-24 08:18:39.30 17:46:53.5 21.1
MLS111024:015106+091908 10-24 01:51:06.48 09:19:08.5 20.9
MLS111023:223806-033504 10-23 22:38:05.55 -03:35:04.4 19.6
MLS111022:081449+192315 10-22 08:14:48.93 19:23:14.6 20.1
MLS111022:004928+015715 10-22 00:49:28.11 01:57:15.0 20.7
MLS111020:020314+121721 10-20 02:03:13.77 12:17:20.6 21.0
MLS111020:222136-082829 10-20 22:21:36.07 -08:28:29.4 19.0
MLS111019:014622+145108 10-19 01:46:21.81 14:51:08.1 20.3
MLS111019:234959+002444 10-19 23:49:58.65 00:24:44.4 20.3
MLS111019:220216-123633 10-19 22:02:15.84 -12:36:33.2 19.3
MLS111019:230046-081411 10-19 23:00:45.60 -08:14:10.8 20.6
MLS111018:035322+190349 10-18 03:53:22.49 19:03:49.2 19.6
MLS111018:230236-053124 10-18 23:02:35.85 -05:31:23.6 20.6
MLS111018:230738-051313 10-18 23:07:37.50 -05:13:12.9 20.8
MLS111003:002437-012122 10-03 00:24:37.25 -01:21:22.0 20.7
MLS111001:002408+073155 10-01 00:24:08.12 07:31:55.3 19.0☆
MLS111001:001444+065819 10-01 00:14:44.30 06:58:18.9 21.0
MLS111001:235057-001403 10-01 23:50:57.08 -00:14:03.3 20.1
MLS110929:032550+210325 09-29 03:25:49.88 21:03:24.9 20.6
MLS110928:025340+200040 09-28 02:53:40.45 20:00:40.4 20.5
MLS110928:014044+101718 09-28 01:40:44.36 10:17:18.1 20.4
MLS110928:013335+091325 09-28 01:33:34.67 09:13:24.5 20.9
MLS110928:003544+013947 09-28 00:35:43.67 01:39:46.7 21.0
MLS110928:003522+010256 09-28 00:35:22.04 01:02:56.4 20.4
MLS110927:020135+233303 09-27 02:01:35.12 23:33:02.9 19.8
MLS110923:040547+191222 09-23 04:05:46.51 19:12:21.8 18.5☆
MLS110923:230624-074618 09-23 23:06:24.32 -07:46:17.8 19.9
MLS110922:205621-144117 09-22 20:56:20.83 -14:41:16.7 20.5
MLS110921:231509-073149 09-21 23:15:08.56 -07:31:48.6 20.6
MLS110919:235442+025617 09-19 23:54:42.38 02:56:16.7 19.8
SSS111019:233842-371053 10-19 23:38:41.63 -37:10:52.6 18.7
☆ announced on CBAT TCOP.
Finding charts for these events can be found at "http://voeventnet.caltech.edu/feeds/ATEL/CRTS".
All CRTS discoveries are found through the real-time processing and available
from links found at "http://crts.caltech.edu/" and "http://Skyalert.org".
We are grateful to the all the observers involved in follow-up observations.