Sixteen confirmed SNe from CRTS
ATel #3340; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams, C. Donalek (Caltech); J. Prieto (Carnegie Obs); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA); R. H. McNaught (ANU)
on 12 May 2011; 04:04 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
Further to ATel#3324, we report the spectroscopic classification of 16 supernovae
observed with the Palomar 5m+DBSP on May 7 and May 8 UT.
CRTS ID | RA | Dec | SN type | z |
MLS110507:145837+022059 | 14:58:37.10 | 02:20:59.1 | Ia | 0.16 |
CSS110504:121124+372552 | 12:11:24.09 | 37:25:52.5 | IIP | 0.06 |
CSS110504:122228+374940 | 12:22:27.90 | 37:49:39.5 | IIP | 0.06 |
CSS110502:121422+335510 | 12:14:22.16 | 33:55:09.5 | Ia | 0.11 |
CSS110501:094825+204333 | 09:48:24.79 | 20:43:33.2 | IIn | 0.04 |
MLS110430:143337-120221 | 14:33:37.37 | -12:02:20.9 | Ia | 0.11 |
MLS110430:113511+010021 | 11:35:10.63 | 01:00:20.9 | Ia-pec | 0.08 |
CSS110427:150634-101937 | 15:06:34.40 | -10:19:36.5 | Ia | 0.11 |
CSS110427:120801+491333 | 12:08:01.08 | 49:13:33.0 | Ic | 0.10 |
CSS110426:220452+124613 | 22:04:51.77 | 12:46:13.0 | Ia | 0.05 |
MLS110426:075233+215330 | 07:52:32.61 | 21:53:29.7 | IIn | 0.39 |
CSS110424:135532-023001 | 13:55:31.54 | -02:30:00.5 | Ia | 0.09 |
CSS110414:171419+435955 | 17:14:19.18 | 43:59:55.2 | Ia | 0.03 |
CSS110204:082649+202232 | 08:26:49.16 | 20:22:31.8 | IIP | 0.03 |
SNHunt52 | 09:16:21.65 | -23:37:17.4 | IIP | 0.01 |
SNHunt53 | 12:16:07.15 | -03:34:30.7 | II-pec | 0.02 |
Using SNIDS cross-correlation code (Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) the spectrum of
SNhunt53 was found to be most similar to SN1987A 73 days before peak brightness. This event was
detected at magnitude V=18.9, corresponding to Mv=-15.6 based on the host galaxy's distance and
foreground reddening (Av=0.1). The observed faint magnitude appears consistent with this being an
under-luminous 87A-like event. However, further follow-up is necessary.
SNHunt52 was discovered at magnitude V=18, corresponding to Mv=-15.4 based on the host galaxy's
distance and foreground extinction (Av=0.4). Additional monitoring of the object shows a consistent
brightness. The spectrum of this object has low S/N, but does not appear to show the strong extinction
that would be expected if the low-luminosity was due to host reddening.
The lightcurve of MLS110426:075233+215330 exhibits a long (65 day) rise that appears common in
bright type-IIn supernovae. After accounting for the host galaxy flux and foreground extinction
(Av=0.2), we find that the event peaked at Mv=-21.7.
Finding charts for these events can be found at "". All CRTS discoveries are found through the real-time processing of Catalina Sky Survey data and
are immediately made available from links found at "" and "".