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Recent SNe from CRTS

ATel #3324; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams, C. Donalek (Caltech); J. Prieto (Carnegie Obs); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA); R. H. McNaught (ANU).
on 5 May 2011; 01:08 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 3340, 3354

Further to ATel#3321, we report the CRTS discovery of 33 supernova candidates found by CRTS between 2011-04-08 and 2011-05-05 UT:

         CRTS ID          Disc. Date     RA           Dec      Disc. Mag  
 CSS110504:122228+374940  2011-05-04  12:22:27.90   37:49:39.5  19.2☆ 
 CSS110504:121124+372552  2011-05-04  12:11:24.09   37:25:52.5  19.2☆ 
 CSS110504:101800-023241  2011-05-04  10:18:00.41  -02:32:41.4  17.6☆ 
 SSS110503:204711-355448  2011-05-03  20:47:10.88  -35:54:48.4  18.7☆ 
 CSS110503:0903300003218  2011-05-03  09:03:30.10  -00:32:18.5  19.2  
 CSS110502:121422+335510  2011-05-02  12:14:22.16   33:55:09.5  18.6  
 CSS110501:144740+514105  2011-05-01  14:47:39.55   51:41:04.7  18.3  
 CSS110501:094825+204333  2011-05-01  09:48:24.79   20:43:33.2  18.5  
 MLS110430:113511+010021  2011-04-30  11:35:10.63   01:00:20.9  21.0☆ 
 MLS110430:143337-120221  2011-04-30  14:33:37.37  -12:02:20.9  19.2☆ 
 MLS110430:132800-102852  2011-04-30  13:27:59.60  -10:28:52.2  17.9☆ 
 MLS110430:132739-075944  2011-04-30  13:27:39.00  -07:59:44.4  20.5  
 MLS110429:1144330001908  2011-04-29  11:44:32.52  -00:19:08.2  20.0 
 CSS110429:114025+223116  2011-04-29  11:40:25.46   22:31:15.7  19.5  
 CSS110429:105026+182857  2011-04-29  10:50:26.37   18:28:57.3  19.1  
 CSS110429:143859+125116  2011-04-29  14:38:59.22   12:51:16.2  19.7  
 CSS110428:094544+410738  2011-04-28  09:45:43.77   41:07:38.0  19.6☆ 
 CSS110428:133102+293217  2011-04-28  13:31:01.80   29:32:17.2  19.5  
 SSS110428:060246-330133  2011-04-28  06:02:45.98  -33:01:33.1  17.9  
 CSS110427:130254+495229  2011-04-27  13:02:54.31   49:52:29.1  16.2  
 CSS110427:120801+491333  2011-04-27  12:08:01.08   49:13:33.0  18.6  
 CSS110427:131037+381538  2011-04-27  13:10:37.40   38:15:37.7  19.2  
 CSS110426:220452+124613  2011-04-26  22:04:51.77   12:46:13.0  17.9☆ 
 MLS110426:075233+215330  2011-04-26  07:52:32.61   21:53:29.7  19.5☆ 
 SSS110425:113409-230538  2011-04-25  11:34:08.59  -23:05:37.6  19.0  
 CSS110424:135532-023001  2011-04-24  13:55:31.54  -02:30:00.5  19.0 
 SSS110422:113501-342704  2011-04-22  11:35:01.37  -34:27:03.6  17.6☆ 
 CSS110414:171419+435955  2011-04-14  17:14:19.18   43:59:55.2  18.1  
 CSS110414:145909+071804  2011-04-14  14:59:09.25   07:18:04.2  15.7  
 CSS110413:164225+164928  2011-04-13  16:42:25.12   16:49:28.1  17.5  
 CSS110408:131037+381538  2011-04-08  13:10:37.39   38:15:38.1  19.2 
 CSS110408:112155+242419  2011-04-08  11:21:54.67   24:24:18.9  18.6  
 SSS110408:095830-105315  2011-04-08  09:58:30.21  -10:53:15.1  19.3  
☆Events announced on CBAT TOCP. 
Finding charts for these events can be found at "". 
During this period six additional CRTS supernova discoveries from Drake et al. (2011, ATEL#3262)  
were spectroscopically confirmed by Prieto et al. (2011, CBET No. 2704). 

All CRTS discoveries are found through the real-time processing of Catalina Sky Survey data and are immediately made available from links found at "" and "".