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Thirty Three New SNe from CRTS

ATel #3215; A. J. Drake, A. A. Mahabal, S. G. Djorgovski, M. J. Graham, R. Williams, C. Donalek (Caltech); A. Myers (UIUC); J. Prieto (Carnegie Obs); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson, A. Grauer, A. Boattini, A Gibbs, R. Hill, R. Kowalski (LPL/UA).
on 11 Mar 2011; 04:13 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient, Variables

Referred to by ATel #: 3262

Further to ATel#3188, we report the CRTS discovery of 33 new supernova candidates in data from the Catalina Sky Survey taken between 2011-02-23 and 2011-03-10 UT.

         ID               Disc. Date     RA         Dec      Disc. Mag  
 CSS110310:073609+472716  2011-03-10  07:36:09.01  47:27:15.5  18.3 
 CSS110310:030301-012439  2011-03-10  03:03:00.92  -01:24:38.8  18.4  
 MLS110310:080034+224843  2011-03-10  08:00:34.34  22:48:43.0  20.8  
 MLS110310:112922+295114  2011-03-10  11:29:22.36  29:51:13.9  20.3  
 CSS110309:135547+211127  2011-03-09  13:55:47.43  21:11:26.7  19.1  
 MLS110309:112638+134509  2011-03-09  11:26:37.99  13:45:08.9  20.7  
 MLS110308:101449+123313  2011-03-08  10:14:48.81  12:33:12.9  20.9  
 CSS110308:133656+215742  2011-03-08  13:36:55.60  21:57:42.2  17.7 
 MLS110306:085756+191432  2011-03-06  08:57:55.83  19:14:32.2  19.5  
 MLS110306:101513+072506  2011-03-06  10:15:12.82  07:25:05.5  19.8  
 MLS110306:101157+064346  2011-03-06  10:11:56.75  06:43:45.8  20.5  
 MLS110306:100601+072628  2011-03-06  10:06:01.14  07:26:28.5  19.5  
 CSS110305:093342+304016  2011-03-05  09:33:41.55  30:40:15.8  18.9 
 MLS110305:101539+104656  2011-03-05  10:15:38.84  10:46:55.9  20.5  
 MLS110304:105205+030524  2011-03-04  10:52:04.87  03:05:24.0  19.7  
 CSS110302:121911+183052  2011-03-02  12:19:11.22  18:30:51.8  19.4 
 CSS110302:124524-051313  2011-03-02  12:45:24.07  -05:13:12.8  19.8  
 MLS110302:091540+095610  2011-03-02  09:15:39.96  09:56:10.2  18.3  
 MLS110302:094259+074050  2011-03-02  09:42:59.04  07:40:49.7  20.0  
 MLS110302:150523-161041  2011-03-02  15:05:22.96  -16:10:40.8  21.2  
 CSS110301:043641+212136  2011-03-01  04:36:41.48  21:21:36.1  18.2  
 MLS110301:092035+111205  2011-03-01  09:20:34.72  11:12:05.1  20.1  
 MLS110301:144813-120124  2011-03-01  14:48:13.30  -12:01:24.5  20.3  
 CSS110226:113725+324922  2011-02-26  11:37:25.27  32:49:22.3  18.2  
 MLS110226:110325+070631  2011-02-26  11:03:24.68  07:06:30.9  20.6  
 CSS110225:132210+285258  2011-02-25  13:22:10.01  28:52:58.3  19.3  
 MLS110225:093527+131432  2011-02-25  09:35:27.16  13:14:31.9  20.5  
 MLS110225:103245+113142  2011-02-25  10:32:45.26  11:31:41.8  20.4  
 MLS110225:094836+114017  2011-02-25  09:48:36.34  11:40:16.7  19.0  
 MLS110225:104818+085623  2011-02-25  10:48:17.66  08:56:22.6  21.0  
 CSS110224:084748+295733  2011-02-24  08:47:47.69  29:57:32.6  18.5  
 CSS110223:133040+343817  2011-02-23  13:30:39.54  34:38:17.2  17.9  
 CSS110223:103018+080347  2011-02-23  10:30:17.98  08:03:47.5  18.3  
Finding charts for these events can be found at   
In addition, CSS110206:123132+230544 was confirmed with P200+DBSP on Mar 4UT as a type Ia  
a month past maximum, at z~0.07, with host galaxy having Mr >-16. CSS110225:031227+191506  
(= SN 2011ag) was discovered during this period and found to be a type Ia  
by Hsiao et al. (2011 CBET#2660).  
Five additional SN candidates were discovered by S. Howerton in CRTS SNHunt, including the 
Type IIn SNHunt40 (= SN 2011an). LBV candidate SNHunt41 was also discovered and is seen on multiple  
nights. For more SNHunt discoveries see:   

More information about CRTS and CSS and links to discovery data from other telescopes can be found at and

Follow-up is requested.