Confirmation of recent CRTS supernova discoveries
ATel #3081; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams, C. Donalek (Caltech); A. Myers (UIUC); J. Prieto (Carnegie Obs); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA); R. H. McNaught (ANU).
on 17 Dec 2010; 19:03 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (
Subjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Supernovae, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 3097
Further to ATel#3031, we report the confirmation of supernova discovered by CRTS.
SNe were observed with Palomar 5m + DBSP on Nov 29th, Dec 3rd and 4th.
ID | Disc. Date | RA | Dec | Disc. Mag | Type |
CSS101203:085402+350312 | 2010-12-03 | 08:54:02.22 | 35:03:11.9 | 19.0 | Ia |
CSS101203:091514+012216 | 2010-12-03 | 09:15:14.35 | 01:22:16.4 | 17.4 | Ia |
CSS101128:020703+205114 | 2010-11-28 | 02:07:02.52 | 20:51:13.9 | 19.3 | Ia |
CSS101115:225640+381044 | 2010-11-15 | 22:56:40.22 | 38:10:43.8 | 18.1 | IIb |
CSS101114:005725-005752 | 2010-11-14 | 00:57:24.67 | -00:57:51.6 | 17.8 | Ia |
CSS101105:002052+333935 | 2010-11-05 | 00:20:52.21 | 33:39:35.5 | 18.3 | Ia
CSS101103:090403+090528 | 2010-11-03 | 09:04:03.07 | 09:05:27.9 | 18.6 | Ia
CSS101028:031958-144708 | 2010-10-28 | 03:19:57.50 | -14:47:07.9 | 18.6 | IIP
CSS101019:022415-155112 | 2010-10-19 | 02:24:15.37 | -15:51:11.6 | 18.4 | IIP |
CSS101013:024537-111239 | 2010-10-13 | 02:45:37.19 | -11:12:39.4 | 17.2 | Ia
CSS101012:004005-063616 | 2010-10-12 | 00:40:04.97 | -06:36:16.5 | 19.2 | IIP
MLS101127:013034+104027 | 2010-11-27 | 01:30:33.70 | 10:40:27.0 | 19.3 | Ia-pec |
MLS101113:033911+225352 | 2010-11-13 | 03:39:10.59 | 22:53:52.0 | 18.3 | Ic |
MLS101112:010719+175909 | 2010-11-12 | 01:07:19.37 | 17:59:08.6 | 17.8 | IIP
(ATel#3031) |
MLS101102:024837+072411 | 2010-11-02 | 02:48:37.15 | 07:24:10.8 | 18.4 | Ia
(ATel#3031) |
MLS101031:015501+113925 | 2010-10-31 | 01:55:01.38 | 11:39:25.2 | 18.5 | Ia
(ATel#3031) |
1) CSS101012:004005-063616, CSS101019:022415-155112 and MLS101112:010719+175909 appear to be luminous type II-Ps with Mv < -19
based on CSS photometry and spectroscopic redshifts.
2) CSS101115:225640+381044 exhibits prominent P-Cygni H lines similar to SN 2008ax and also resembles the early spectra of SN 1987A.
3) SN 2010kl, discovered by Howerton et al. (2010, CBET#2567) in CRTS SN Hunt data, is found to be a type Ia supernova.
4) SN 2010ji, discovered by CRTS (Drake et al. 2010, CBET#2528), was observed on 2010-11-29UT and found to be a type IIP supernova
approximately 3 weeks past maximum, in agreement with the event's photometric constraints (cf. Foley et al. 2010, CBET#2581).
5) MLS101113:033911+225352 has a noisy spectrum.
SN were classified using the SNID cross correlation program (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ 666, 1024).
More information and finding charts can be found at and
Follow-up is requested.