Supernova Candidates from CRTS
ATel #2978; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); J. Prieto (Carnegie Obs); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA); R. H. McNaught (ANU).
on 27 Oct 2010; 18:52 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 3031
We report the discovery of supernova candidates by the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
(CRTS) in data from the Catalina Sky Survey during the period from 2010-09-29 to 2010-10-17 UT.
ID | Disc. Date | RA | Dec | Disc. Mag |
CSS101017:014532+253215 | 2010-10-17 | 01:45:31.91 | 25:32:15.3 | 17.6 |
MLS101013:001802+144556 | 2010-10-13 | 00:18:01.77 | 14:45:55.7 | 19.7 |
CSS101013:024537-111239 | 2010-10-13 | 02:45:37.19 | -11:12:39.4 | 17.2 |
CSS101013:020630-080945 | 2010-10-13 | 02:06:29.71 | -08:09:44.8 | 19.4 |
CSS101012:223516-214154 | 2010-10-12 | 22:35:16.47 | -21:41:54.1 | 16.7 |
CSS101012:004005-063616 | 2010-10-12 | 00:40:04.97 | -06:36:16.5 | 19.2 |
MLS101011:021500+192736 | 2010-10-11 | 02:14:59.70 | 19:27:36.0 | 20.5 |
CSS101011:220427-075841 | 2010-10-11 | 22:04:27.42 | -07:58:41.2 | 17.9 |
MLS101010:002515+004644 | 2010-10-10 | 00:25:15.48 | 00:46:44.4 | 20.5 |
MLS101010:233203+034659 | 2010-10-10 | 23:32:03.30 | 03:46:59.1 | 20.2 |
MLS101009:004857+053147 | 2010-10-09 | 00:48:56.91 | 05:31:47.1 | 19.2 |
CSS101008:001049+141039 | 2010-10-08 | 00:10:49.24 | 14:10:39.2 | 19.3 |
MLS100930:033208+181721 | 2010-09-30 | 03:32:08.04 | 18:17:20.6 | 19.5 |
CSS100930:023742+150347 | 2010-09-30 | 02:37:42.08 | 15:03:46.7 | 19.2 |
MLS100929:004423-013814 | 2010-09-29 | 00:44:22.96 | -01:38:13.8 | 20.3 |
MLS100929:232031-043249 | 2010-09-29 | 23:20:30.85 | -04:32:49.5 | 20.1 |
Additional SNe discovered during this period in CSS data:
SN 2010iw (Howerton et al. 2010, CBET#2505), SN 2010ip (Drake et al. 2010a, CBET#2491),
SN 2010in, SN 2010im (Drake et al. 2010b, CBET#2484).
More information and finding charts can be found at
All CRTS discoveries are made public immediately on Rapid followup
of SN discoveries can be made by directly following links on
Follow-up is requested.