MAXI/GSC detects re-brightening of Be pulsar A0535+262
ATel #2754; M. Nakajima, H. Negoro (Nihon U.), T. Mihara, M. Sugizaki, M. Suzuki, Y. E. Nakagawa, T. Yamamoto, T. Sootome, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), K. Kawasaki, S. Ueno, H. Tomida, M. Kohama, M. Ishikawa (JAXA), N. Kawai, M. Morii, K. Sugimori, R. Usui (Tokyo Tech), A. Yoshida, K. Yamaoka, S. Nakahira (AGU), H. Tsunemi, M. Kimura (Osaka U.), H. Ozawa, F. Suwa (Nihon U.), Y. Ueda, N. Isobe, S. Eguchi, K. Hiroi (Kyoto U.), A. Daikyuji (Miyazaki U.), A. Uzawa, T. Matsumura, K. Yamazaki (Chuo U.) report on behalf of the MAXI team
on 23 Jul 2010; 15:31 UT
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Credential Certification: Motoki Nakajima (
Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar
Referred to by ATel #: 2798
An increase of X-ray flux of the Be/X-ray binary pulsar A0535+26 was observed with MAXI/GSC on 2010 July 17 at 21+-5 mCrab (2-20 keV). This is the fourth detection of the consecutive outbursts following the 111 day orbital cycle. After the detection by Fermi GBM (ATel #2705) on June 25, which is probably the precursor of the fourth outburst in the series, its flux once decreased below 20 mCrab on July 11 (MJD 55388). Since 2010 July 17 (MJD 55394), the X-ray flux started to increase again, which is consistent with being a regular periastron outburst. The flux almost reached a peak on July 22 (MJD 55399), and stays at about 50 mCrab, which is smaller than that of the precursor.
The latest light curve and the image of this source are available at the following URL: and also in the news page