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Candidate Supernovae from CRTS

ATel #2630; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); J. Prieto (OCIW); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA); R. H. McNaught (ANU).
on 24 May 2010; 08:24 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Supernovae, Transient

We report the discovery of 18 supernova candidates by the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) in data from the Catalina Sky Survey during the period from 2010-05-05 to 2010-05-21 UT.
IDDisc. DateRADecDisc. Mag
CSS100521:135046+192618 2010-05-21 13:50:45.79 19:26:18.2 17.5
CSS100519:141142-134719 2010-05-19 14:11:41.72 -13:47:19.2 18.6
SSS100518:093204-055338 2010-05-18 09:32:03.70 -05:53:38.1 16.6
CSS100516:142856+201904 2010-05-16 14:28:56.16 20:19:04.0 19.3
CSS100516:154634+271419 2010-05-16 15:46:33.76 27:14:19.2 19.5
CSS100516:151833+311931 2010-05-16 15:18:33.02 31:19:31.1 19.6
CSS100514:131034+455805 2010-05-14 13:10:34.26 45:58:05.4 19.4
CSS100512:085247+531406 2010-05-12 08:52:47.28 53:14:06.1 18.7
CSS100512:115735+244228 2010-05-12 11:57:34.72 24:42:27.7 18.5
MLS100511:121241+005850 2010-05-11 12:12:41.41 00:58:49.6 20.9
CSS100510:104643+031216 2010-05-10 10:46:42.50 03:12:15.8 19.4
CSS100509:105637+201442 2010-05-09 10:56:37.19 20:14:41.9 18.2
CSS100509:115149+222851 2010-05-09 11:51:48.52 22:28:51.2 19.3
CSS100507:103404+383230 2010-05-07 10:34:04.31 38:32:30.4 19.2
MLS100505:125840-032643 2010-05-05 12:58:39.67 -03:26:43.1 18.8
MLS100505:133811-093052 2010-05-05 13:38:11.04 -09:30:52.5 19.3
CSS100505:082457+070715 2010-05-05 08:24:57.24 07:07:15.1 19.0
CSS100505:122952-080912 2010-05-05 12:29:51.63 -08:09:11.6 17.8

Four additional SN were discovered by CRTS during this period:   
SN 2010cq, type Ia, z=0.0275 (ATEL#2620, CBET#2280, CBET#2287);  
SN 2010cx, type II, z=0.03 (CBET#2287);  
SN 2010cy, type Ia, z=0.0389  (CBET#2287);  
SN 2010cz (CBET#2287).  
More information and finding charts can be found at
All CRTS SN discoveries are available from and

Follow-up is requested.