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Blazar S5 0716+714 is in the Optical Outburst State?

ATel #2353; Alok C. Gupta, Bindu Rani, Haritma Gaur (ARIES, Nainital, India); T. Krichbaum, L. Fuhrmann, N. Marchili (MPIfR, Bonn, Germany); Ivan Agudo (CSIC, Granada, Spain); Markus Boettcher, Norman Palma, Keith Hawkins (Ohio University, Athens, USA)
on 17 Dec 2009; 09:17 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Request For Observations
Credential Certification: Dr. Alok C. Gupta (

Subjects: Optical, Request for Observations, AGN, Quasar

Here we report our recent multi-band optical observations of the blazar S5 0176+714 with ARIES CCD camera mounted on the 1.04 meter telescope, located in Nainital, India and 1.3 meter telescope of MDM observatory located on the southwest ridge of Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA. These observations were carried out for our simultaneous multi-band observing campaign of the source to search for radio-optical correlations and optical QPO (quasi periodic oscillation) in the blazar. Recently strong millimeter band flaring is noticed in the blazar by its observations during December 7 - 9, 2009 from SMA (Submillimeter Array) (ATel#2342). On December 13, 2009 optical IDV polarization is detected in the source in which polarization variation of 13 - 18 % is noticed in less than 4 hours (ATel#2347). The preliminary analysis of our data show that the source is detected in its high state and has shown strong optical IDV (~ 20 - 30 %) on all the nights it was observed during December 8 - 15, 2009. We have also noticed that the source reached (R ~ 12.6 mag on December 15, 2009 at UT 21:50) close to its previous outburst state R ~ 12.55 mag which was observed in March 2007 which may confirm the 3.0+-0.3 year long term outburst timescale (Gupta et al. 2008, AJ, 135, 1384). Detail campaign data is not yet analyzed.