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Fourteen SN Candidates from CRTS

ATel #1980; A. J. Drake, A. A. Mahabal, S. G. Djorgovski, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); M. Catelan (PUC); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson, A. Gibbs, R. Kowalski (LPL/UA); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory);
on 20 Mar 2009; 02:37 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 2009

The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey has discovered fourteen candidate supernovae with CSS images between UT dates Feb 26th and Mar 19th. The objects have the following parameters:

IDDateRADecMagHost mag Type
CSS090319:152356-081918 2009-03-19 UT 11:46:20 15:23:56.14 -08:19:18.3 18.0 18.0 SN
CSS090319:135421+284015 2009-03-19 UT 09:37:22 13:54:21.24 28:40:15.3 19.7 22.0 SN/AGN
CSS090319:142155+260102 2009-03-19 UT 09:48:06 14:21:54.63 26:01:02.0 18.5 > 22 SN?
CSS090319:125916+271641 2009-03-19 UT 09:42:03 12:59:15.85 27:16:41.3 19.5 21.7 SN
CSS090319:094627-130816 2009-03-19 UT 05:55:48 09:46:27.45 -13:08:15.8 17.3 ~21 SN?
CSS090319:091721-050839 2009-03-19 UT 04:45:32 09:17:21.03 -05:08:39.3 17.4 16.2 SN
CSS090318:094055+011608 2009-03-18 UT 04:53:25 09:40:55.44 01:16:08.3 17.2 20.3 SN
CSS090317:140750+363837 2009-03-17 UT 12:01:12 14:07:49.75 36:38:37.1 17.6 19.6 SN
CSS090317:122752+262558 2009-03-17 UT 09:06:16 12:27:51.75 26:25:58.6 18.9 20.8 SN
CSS090303:135819+201051 2009-03-03 UT 10:16:15 13:58:19.38 20:10:51.1 19.0 21.3 SN
CSS090303:113345+143447 2009-03-03 UT 07:45:47 11:33:44.93 14:34:47.9 18.6 > 22.5 SN
CSS090301:160553+172445 2009-03-01 UT 12:22:11 16:05:52.67 17:24:45.5 18.6 ~22.5 SN
CSS090227:141241+130946 2009-02-27 UT 10:57:45 14:12:40.74 13:09:46.2 19.0 20.4 SN
CSS090226:130548+322533 2009-02-26 UT 09:43:42 13:05:48.13 32:25:34.0 19.0 21.2 SN

We request photometric and spectroscopic follow-up.

For finding charts, discovery images, light curves, etc., please see:
Current candidate and confirmed SNe can be found here.