Confirmation of CRTS Supernovae in Intrinsically Faint Galaxies
ATel #2009; A. J. Drake, A. A. Mahabal, S. G. Djorgovski, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); M. Catelan (PUC, Chile); A. D. Myers (UIUC); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson, A. Gibbs, R. Kowalski, A. Boattini, R. Hill (LPL/UA); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory);
on 10 Apr 2009; 06:20 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 13480
The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) has spectroscopically characterized SNe in
faint host galaxies using the 5.1-m Palomar Hale telescope (+DBSP). Observations were
primarily taken on April 1st UT with the following results:
ID | RA (deg) | Dec (deg) | Type | z | Host M_r | Disc. ATel |
CSS090401:113024+021435 | 172.5985 | 2.24310 | Ia | 0.08 | > -15.1
| New |
CSS090324:135835+311252 | 209.6448 | 31.2145 | Ia | 0.12 | -16.1
| New |
CSS090321:113658+450051 | 174.2411 | 45.0141 | Ia/Ic | 0.13 | -17.6
| New |
CSS090303:135819+201051 | 209.5807 | 20.1809 | IIp | 0.06 | -15.7
| ATEL#1980 |
CSS090303:113345+143448 | 173.4372 | 14.5800 | Ia | 0.09 | > -15.5
| ATEL#1980 |
CSS090301:160553+172446 | 241.4694 | 17.4127 | Ia | 0.12 | -15.2
| ATEL#1980 |
CSS090216:100910+075434 | 152.2921 | 7.9096 | Ia | 0.07 | -15.8
| ATEL#1937 |
CSS090102:130037+175057 | 195.1562 | 17.8492 | Ic? | 0.14 | > -16.4
| ATEL#1911 |
CSS081201:103354-032125 | 158.4742 | -3.3571 | IIn/AGN | 0.06 | -14.6
| New |
CSS081001:003705-060939 | 9.2699 | -6.1609 | Ia | 0.09 | -15.9
| ATEL#1778 |
CSS080921:230620+094038 | 346.5835 | 9.6771 | Ia | 0.11 | -16.8
| ATEL#1778 |
Additional recently classified CRTS SNe:
ID | RA (deg) | Dec (deg) | Type | z | Host M_r | Disc. ATel |
CSS090319:142155+260102 | 215.4776 | 26.0172 | Ia | 0.08 | -18.0 |
ATEL#1980 |
CSS090319:125916+271641 | 194.8160 | 27.2781 | Ia | 0.19 | -17.8 |
ATEL#1980 (2009cb) |
CSS090318:094055+011608 | 145.2310 | 1.2689 | IIp | 0.02 | -13.8 |
ATEL#1980 (2009cy) |
CSS090317:140750+363837 | 211.9573 | 36.6436 | Ia |
| | ATEL#1980 (2009bp) |
CSS090219:095526-012821 | 148.8571 | -1.4726 | IIb | 0.03 | -13.7 |
ATEL#1937 (2009ar) |
Host galaxy absolute magnitudes are derived from host apparent magnitudes and SNe redshifts.
CSS090216:100910+075434 is SN 2009bx (Drake et al. 2009a) CBET#1744.
CSS090319:142155+260102 was confirmed by Moskvitin et al. (2009; private communication).
2009cb (Drake et al. 2009b) CBET#1752 was confirmed by PTF ATEL#2005.
2009cy was confirmed by Catelan et al. (2009) CBET#1755.
2009bp was confirmed by Silverman et al. (2009) CBET#1747.
2009ar was confirmed by Mahabal et al. (2009) CBET#1713.
Based on the updated CRTS lightcurve, CSS090319:094627-130816 (ATEL#1980) is not a supernova.
All current candidate and confirmed SNe as well as finding charts can be found