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Possible infrared/optical counterparts of IGR J17544-2619

ATel #194; J. Rodriguez (CEA/SAp Saclay)
on 20 Sep 2003; 12:01 UT
Credential Certification: Jerome Rodriguez (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Request for Observations, Binary, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 252, 338, 1454

J. Rodriguez, CEA/SAp, Saclay & ISDC, Versoix; L. Foschini, IASF/CNR, Bologna; T. Courvoisier, ISDC Versoix; and D. Hannikainen, Univ. of Helsinki, report on the 2MASS archival data analyses of the field of IGR J17544-2619 (Atel #190, IAUC # 8202 ). A clear source is detected in the 2MASS All-Sky Quicklook image archive (with name 2MASS J17542527-2619526) in the three bands J, H, and K, at R.A. = 17h 54m 25.28s, Decl. =-26deg 19' 52.6" (equinox 2000.0; nominal uncertainty about 0".2) -- consistent with the XMM position (IAUC # 8202 ). Magnitude estimates are J = 8.79 +-0.02, H = 8.31 +-0.03, K = 8.02 +-0.03. In addition three other fainter candidates might be in the XMM error circle, however, the 2MASS automatic processing gave bad flags for them. The most reliable one leads to H > 14.0, and K > 13.2.

The brightest source (2MASS J17542527-2619526) is also reported in the USNO B1.0 Catalog (see e.g. Monet et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 984), with B=14.52 +-0.3, R=11.29 +-0.3 (POSS epoch I 1949-1965), and B=13.9 +-0.3, R=11.9 +-0.3 (POSS epoch II 1985-2000), and I= 10.4 +-0.3.

Other observations are strongly encouraged to identify the counterpart.