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Two SSS Swift X-ray spectra of Nova Cyg 2007 (V2467 Cyg)

ATel #1747; J.-U. Ness (Arizona State University), G. Schwarz (West Chester), J. P. Osborne and K. Page (University of Leicester), J. J. Drake (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), J. Krautter (Landessternwarte Heidelberg)
on 27 Sep 2008; 04:57 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Jan-Uwe Ness (

Subjects: Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Transient

We have obtained two Swift observations of the fast nova V2467 Cyg (IAUC #8821, CBET #894, 897, 900). The first observation was taken 2008, June 15.17, 459 days after outburst, and the 5700-s exposure yields an average X-ray count rate of (0.017±0.002) counts per second (cps). We also obtained UV magnitudes from the UVOT filters uvw1, uvw2, and uvm2, and found 18.26±0.18, 19.41±0.37, and 20.28±1.11, respectively.
100 days later, the second observation was taken (2008, September 23.3=559 days after outburst). The 5000-s observation yields a higher XRT count rate of (0.048±0.003) cps. The UVOT v filter yields a magnitude of 15.68±0.016. We found small variations in the X-ray and UV data, but no period with a strong signal in the periodogram is present. We also found no clear correlations between UV and X-ray count rates.
The X-ray and UV light curves of both observations can be seen under and the spectra under
The X-ray spectra were both soft with their peak at ~0.5 keV. Blackbody fits to the XRT spectra yield the parameters kT=34 eV and NH=8.7×1021cm-2 for the first observation and kT=46 eV and NH=5.2×1021cm-2 for the second observation. With a total of 80 counts and 198 counts in the respective first and second observations, these parameters are poorly constrained.
We thank the Swift PI and operations team for their support.