Discovery of a Bright Probable Nova in M81
ATel #16996; K. Hornoch (Ondrejov), H. Kucakova (Charles University), A. W. Shafter (SDSU)
on 26 Jan 2025; 21:02 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Allen W. Shafter (
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 16998
We report the discovery of a bright probable nova in M81 on a co-added 1800-s unfiltered CCD frame taken on 2025 Jan. 26.749 UT with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov.
The object designated PNV J09552092+6904317 is located at R.A. = 9h55m20s.92, Decl. = +69o04'31".7 (equinox 2000.0), which is 65.7" west and 36.6" north of the center of M81 (see link to discovery image below).
Here we list the observing dates and corresponding photometry:
Date [UT] | Mag | Err | Filter | Telescope
2025-01-07.949 | >21.5 | | C | OND
2025-01-26.749 | 18.64 | 0.10 | C | OND
As with all extragalactic novae, follow-up spectroscopic and photometric observations to determine the nova's spectroscopic class and rate of decline (speed class) are encouraged. The OND 0.65-m is a reflecting telescope at the Ondrejov observatory operated jointly by the Astronomical Institute of ASCR and the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic. It uses a Moravian Instruments G2-3200 MkII CCD camera (with a Kodak KAF-3200ME sensor and standard BVRI photometric filters) mounted at the prime focus. The unfiltered OND photometry was calibrated against R-band comparison stars from
Perelmuter & Racine (1995).
Discovery image