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Photometry and spectroscopy of PNV J00424486+4115420 (= AT 2024rnm)

ATel #16770; A. S. Vinokurov, E. O. Dedov, D. V. Oparin (SAO RAS)
on 13 Aug 2024; 16:05 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Alexander Vinokurov (

Subjects: Nova, Transient

We present the results of optical photometry and spectroscopy of PNV J00424486+4115420 (= AT 2024rnm), recently discovered by J. Zhao nova candidate in M31. The direct images in Rc filter as well as the blue (VPHG1200B grism, spectral range and resolution are 3600-5400 Å and ~5.5 Å, respectively) and red (VPHG1200R grism, 5700-7500 Å, ~5 Å) spectra were obtained at SAO RAS with the 6m telescope equipped with the SCORPIO multi-mode focal reducer on August 9.98 UT, approximately 4 days after the first detection of the object (see ATel #16758). The transparency of the atmosphere during the observations was good, but the seeing was unstable, reaching 4".

The measured magnitude of Rc = 17.05 ± 0.04 indicates an increase in the brightness of the object by by more than 1 mag compared to the value obtained on August 7 (ATel #16758). The spectra reveal Balmer absorption lines with weak emission component only in H-alpha and numerous absorption features that are probably so called transient heavy element absorption (THEA) lines, observed near the peak brightness in some Novae (V1112 Per and V906 Car for example; see ARAS Novae Program home page and Aydi et al. 2020, ApJ, 905, 62). The velocity of the absorption with respect to the emission component in H-alpha profile is about 400-500 km/s (the smoothed spectrum in comparison with V1112 Per spectrum on 2020 November 29.34 UT can be found here).

The work was performed as part of the government contract of the SAO RAS approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.